50 Social Media Marketing Ideas To Promote Your Business and help gain more interaction

Do you sit there staring at Facebook wondering what to write to your business page followers? Maybe you love Instagram but have no idea how to get the ball rolling. Whichever platform you are using for your social media marketing, here are my top 50 ideas for ways to promote your business on social media.
- A poll for your followers, questions could be about your business industry or even little fun polls to keep the mood light
- Meet the team – photos of your team and a little bio
- A video promo for one of your products or services
- Content that your customers have created (related to your business) and sent to you
- Case studies from customers
- A link to your newest blog post
- Use one social profile to promote another (for example on your Facebook page promote your Instagram account and vice versa)
- Company accomplishments and milestones
- A link to an older blog post – rework/reshare – add value to your old blog content
- An infographic related to your business
- Valuable information from other influencers in your experience area
- A tutorial video on a common problem
- A tip or trick that will solve a simple challenge
- Inspirational quotes and motivational memes
- Funny but appropriate (you know what I mean….) memes and jokes
- Information about upcoming events
- Giveaways or competitions
- Customer reviews and testimonials
- Q&A posts, get your followers to ask you a question
- Historical info related to your business (throwback photos, etc.)
- Behind The Scene posts, how you work, what happens behind the scenes
- Industry related news
- This or That questions
- Holiday-related posts
- An answer to a commonly asked question that is often asked by your customers
- Links to free resources
- Job listings
- Hiring announcements and new team members
- Live videos, tour around your workplace, even little ‘hello, how are you?’ videos work well
- Links to promote email signups of your newsletters
- Inviting your customers to test a new product or service
- Asking for customer feedback
- Product or service demonstrations
- An industry-related statistic
- Promotion of a partner business
- A comment on a trending topic
- Links to valuable tools of the trade
- A day in the life post (CEO, Community Manager etc.)
- Favourite product recommendations
- Links to sales and specials
- Photos from recent company events
- Thank your followers for following
- Expert insights into a topic and how your company would do it
- A weekly roundup of helpful resources you’ve found
- A sneak peek at something that’s coming up
- An industry-related prediction, why not start a new trend?
- A creative use for one of your products
- General lifestyle – on a day off, why not share what book you are currently reading? Film you have just watched, food you have eaten etc
- Themed posts – Hashtag themes are popular such as #MondayMotivation #ThematicThursday #WednesdayWisdom #FreebieFriday etc
- Promote your products and services – why is this last? Because this should be done as standard, so, don’t forget to sell yourself and your business, promote, promote, promote! But do everything else as well, mix it up!
I hope this helps give you some ideas and if you are stuck, why not chat to me about social media coaching or I can even do it all for you 😉